I’m an Australian living in Switzerland, a social worker with 16 years' experience in working with people affected by war for the Australian Red Cross, the International Committee of the Red Cross and the Swiss Federal Office for Migration.
The Climate Apology is the result of a personal journey. I first floated the idea of an intergenerational apology in July 2021 with my sister, following the rejection of a referendum in Switzerland to introduce climate legislation.

It was when I asked myself what I would say to this Climate Truth and Reconciliation Commission that I realized the extent to which I had outsourced my climate responsibilities for my own loved ones - for decades.
And so the apology evolved from a political to a personal apology to my children for not having done enough sooner.
It shifted once more from being an intergenerational climate apology to simply a climate apology as I realized through my research and discussions with others how common the barriers and difficulties are in doing what we can. It is not a tool to use in the blame game, but one to unleash the empathy needed to trigger individual action.
'Sorry' has become an important trigger word for me when I'm waivering between doing the right thing for my loved ones and listening to Lou, my AE.
My heartfelt thanks go to:
My daughters and my sisters for their unfailing support.
Anna Rapaud for the English to German translation (latest EN version to be updated into DE).
Dianne Lange for the fantastic logo.
Jonathon Hess for endless website support.