A weekend of love

Incredibly, half of the world’s population is observing a religious celebration this weekend – Easter, Ramadan or Passover. We could also add those who identify as spiritual, currently experiencing the rebirth of spring in the northern hemisphere. Next week, the world’s billion or so Hindus celebrate their New Year.

Regardless of whether it’s a deeply religious experience or simply a chance to enjoy some time off, every second person is touched in some way this weekend by humankind’s efforts to imbue our short time on this earth with greater meaning and depth than that proffered by daily life and the relentless commercialisation of our lives. 

Imagine half of the world’s population responding this weekend to these religious messages of love and caring; every second person turning towards the relationships that sustain us as social beings and committing to lives that protect the physical environment we need to survive as animals.

Imagine this weekend as a social tipping point where enough of us commit to carrying on the stewardship of this earth that we received from our predecessors and gift it to those we love. 

Imagine one out of two of us this weekend finally recognising that our loved ones need us to say no to meat, flying, and buying more stuff, and no to financing the fossil fuel industry, and yes to taxing carbon. 

Imagine that every second person realized that it’s not so difficult to do, and that the benefits far outweigh the costs of doing nothing. 

Half of us simply need to listen to the messages of love and wisdom that surround us this weekend. 

Louise Rapaud

Louise Rapaud

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