Climate apology workshop

Bridging the gap between our
environmental intentions and actions

Change the pronoun from what "they're" going to do about climate change to what "I'm" going to do about it - for those I love.

An innovative, interactive workshop on our roles as loved ones, citizens, consumers and workers in the systems we need for a liveable climate. Participants engage honestly and openly with the challenging question of how to do more through a playful characterisation of the common excuses we make to avoid our environmental responsibility.

You will: 

  • identify your various roles and potential for change in the systems that drive and mitigate climate change; 

  • identify and understand the rationale behind the common excuses you make to maintain your status quo; 

  • come away with tools to stop the excuses and foster your internal motivation to live sustainably. 

It's for:

  • Everyone. The human activity driving climate change is shaped by people making policy through to people driving supply and demand. We all face similar difficulties in doing the right thing for our climate future. "sorry" is a tool we can all use.

Feedback from participants

“It was really interesting to get another point of view on climate change because we normally only get the scientific explanation behind it.”

“I really like your approach of understanding instead of confronting.”

“It was fun and easy to understand.”

"It left me more hopeful about the future than other discussions and the news in general about climate change.”

A taste of the content

Our armchair environmentalist whispers the excuses we use everyday to avoid taking responsibility for our environmental behaviours: just this once, my actions don't make a difference, governments have to act.

These excuses keep us safely in our comfort zones, protecting us from the overwhelming realities of climate change and our fear of change and loss.

The excuses of my armchair environmentalist
High school students recognised these daily excuses.
How students would feel living in a world where we've managed to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees because enough of us are doing what we can for those we love.

When we acknowledge our excuses and learn to say "NO" to our armchair environmentalism, we can find joy and relief from our climate anxiety.

Workshops are run for adults and students, in English and German.

Onsite and online.

Email us for more information, to inquire about a workshop tailored to your needs and costs.