Make COP28 count - the petition

COP28 is just 5 months away. An annual event since 1995, it exemplifies how we outsource our responsibility for the climate future of our loved ones. We expect "them to do something". We demand that "something be done". What happens when we turn the lens inwards. What does your COP28 look like? Show "them" your political will for serious mitigation measures NOW.

The 28th Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP 28) will take place in the UAE in November 2023.

That’s in less than five months. 

It will mark the 28th COP since the first signing of the 1992 UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. This year will see over 140 heads of state, senior government leaders, 80,000+ delegates and more than 5,000 media personnel in the UAE to discuss how best to tackle what is inarguably the greatest threat to humanity.

Climate science is clear - we have to drastically reduce CO2 and methane gas emissions NOW in order to limit global warming. The solutions exist. The political and economic will and the moral integrity are lacking.

Twenty-seven years of conferences, presentations, petitions, speeches, public and private meetings, and we're still a long, long way from ensuring a liveable future for our loved ones.

Dr Sultan Al Jaber, COP 28 President Designate has said: “We are determined to make COP 28 a Cop of Action.” Let's keep him to his word.

Help make COP 28 make a difference!

By signing this petition, I give my political will to all COP 28 decision-makers to

  • make deep and binding cuts to fossil fuel use and methane emissions.

  • ensure strict global regulation of fossil fuel use and “net-zero” accountability (including the exportation of coal, gas and oil).

  • enforce strict regulation of methane, pesticides and other dangerous gases in food production.

  • provide adequate funding for mitigation and adaptation measures in developing countries. 

  • implement active measures to ensure adequate potable water for all nations.

  • levy global taxes on corporates and investors who continue to profit from excessive fossil fuel extraction, exportation and burning.

  • increase investments and interest in current and future green technologies.

Make COP 28 my COP!

I want my loved ones to have a liveable climate future and understand there is no single answer to this complex problem. I take a moral responsibility for those I love, and I expect every delegate and decision-maker present at COP 28 do the same for their loved ones, and for the planet as a whole.

By signing this petition, I commit to my personal COP 28 by

  • reducing my meat intake.

  • reducing my fossil-fuel based mobility, including air-travel.

  • reducing my fossil-fuel based use of heating, cooling and power.

  • divesting of fossil fuel interests held by my financial and superannuation institutions by switching to greener-based institutions.

  • demanding serious mitigation measures NOW! 

  • discussing my climate actions with family, friends and colleagues.

Your loved ones will thank you for your support.

petition text in French and signing - pending

petition text in German and signing - pending

Louise Rapaud

Louise Rapaud

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